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Affirmations You Need in Your Life


Affirmations You Need in Your Life

Is there a place for spoken affirmations in your meditation practice?  Absolutely! Affirmations are about intending happiness, being thankful and living with a positive attitude. As these are also byproducts of successful meditation, it makes sense to explore this technique at some point, whether you are speaking them out loud, in your head, or using a brainwave entrainment program that incorporates verbal affirmations.

Benefits of Affirmations

Here we include several of the benefits, and some simple (but powerful) accompanying affirmations that you can start using today.  Don’t just think them –believe them!
Keeps you positive
Positivity is what brings the best out of you. You need to acknowledge that you are significant and valuable to not only your existence but others as well.  A positive mindset begins with recognition of self-worth.
“I do matter, and what I offer to the world matters as well”
“I am connected to 7 billion others, but I am an important part of that 7 billion”.
An air of appreciation
Gratitude is a virtue that relies on affirmation to a certain extent. We have to be mindful of the gifts we’ve been given because they are so easily taken for granted.  You are just thankful of who you are and you will never have a challenge too big to handle.
“I am equipped with everything I need to find joy in this life.”
“Turn every mistake into a valuable lesson for self-improvement.”
Gathers good people around you
Show me your friends and I will tell you who you really are…this old adage means a lot in self-improvement. Who are your closest associates and how do they influence you? Do you attract the right people?  How do you grow those relationships?  You can start by taking a vow that:
“I will find time to appreciate those that care about me”
“I take great pleasure in my friends despite our differences”
Eliminates fear
You fail because you are afraid. Often you don’t take the first step to an amazing transformation in your life because of limiting beliefs and the dread of being wrong.  But meditation with affirmations can bring you to a place of strident confidence. Call it out:
“I trust my preparation, my intuition and my inner wisdom.”
“Wonderful things will always unfold before me.”
Such is the power within you if you only know how to get it all out.
Takes away the bitterness in you
You are human and you will of course get angry at perceived injustices. But nurturing such bitterness is tantamount to digging your own grave. Face the anger with thoughts like:
“I succeed in this matter by becoming stronger and moving on.”
“Instead of anger I embrace actionable wisdom, compassion and understanding”.
Improves sleep quality
Stresses of life wreak havoc on your ability to truly rest.  We already know that meditation helps improve sleep and this can be ushered in even more quickly if you practice affirmations prior to going to bed:
“There is absolutely nothing I need to do now, but rest.”
“This was a good day and everything else can wait until tomorrow.”
Alleviates physical pain
Part of the healing process for any injury is getting your head in the right place.  If you are constantly drawing your attention to something that hurts by complaining about it then you will magnify the pain.  Likewise, if you keep telling yourself how improved you feel and how the pain is insignificant, your body will get the message and continue healing.
“It’s amazing how much better I feel!”
“This is nothing!”
And these are just a few benefits.  Incorporating affirmations is exercising the power of intention.  Whether you speak them, practice mindfulness, or use one of our isochronic tones meditations that include spoken affirmations try it today and let us know how it benefits your wellbeing.


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